Dr. Debbie Z Bing specializes in Traditional Chinese Medicine, offering treatments such as acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion, cupping, etc. She treats patients with various conditions including MVA-ICBC, insurance patients, sports injuries, cell phone syndrome, and women's health issues like facial and skin troubles
Dr. Debbie Z Bing
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupunture, Acupressure, Moxibution, Cupping, Guasha, Herbs & ETC
Car insurance for patients
Sports injuries, Cell phone (Smart Device) Syndrome for Everyone
Ladies (Women) related
facial and skin troubles
Recent Projects Smart Device Syndrome
Our Work
Check out our recent projects and see the quality of our work. We have successfully completed various projects in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine and have helped many patients.
Past Patients Clinic Thanks Note
Take a look at our past projects to get an idea of our expertise and experience. We have a strong track record of delivering excellent results and improving the health of our patients.
Ongoing Projects Being A Mom & Baby
We are currently working on several projects to further enhance our services and provide the best possible care to our patients. Stay tuned for updates on our ongoing projects.